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Luxury Real Estate Marketing

Branding Moment: Is your brand having an identity crisis?

One of the most common traps that you can easily fall into as a real estate professional or company is sending out mixed signals about your brand identity. Picture your ideal target market trying to dial into your brand signal in the same way they select a radio station that plays their favorite music. If you play a mishmash of classical, jazz, hip hop, heavy metal, and pop, you are going to have a heck of a time attracting and maintaining a sizable loyal audience. You might say that your station is having an identity crisis. 

The same applies to your real estate practice. Is your brand having an identity crisis

Your brand identity is comprised of visible elements such as color, design, logo, in addition to your brand’s slogan and messaging. If you are clear about what you stand for (your area of specialization and your unique approach to it) you can readily distinguish your brand from your competition in the mind of your ideal target market. The key is staying consistent in your messaging.

To get a better idea of what we mean about a brand identity crisis look at the messaging on the box of Hefty small trash bags in the image above. Note the endorser brand, Arm & Hammer (The baking soda brand) juxtaposed to the trademarked words, Lavender & Sweet Vanilla™. These bags are “odor neutralized”.

One of the key brand personality categories is called “Rugged”. Both Hefty and Arm & Hammer are rugged brands; so is Marlboro. Rugged means: sturdy, strong, strongly made, hardwearing, built to last, and tough. Hefty means: burly, heavy, sturdy, strapping, bulky, brawny, husky, strong, muscular, large, big, massive, weighty, solid, well built, solidly built, and powerfully built. 

In contrast, Campbell Soup and Hallmark are examples of “Wholesome” brands. Wholesome means nice, clean, virtuous, pure, innocent, chaste; non-erotic, nonviolent, righteous, upright, upstanding, proper, correct, honorable, honest, just, noble, respectable, decent, and simple.

Ruggedness and wholesomeness within the same brand message typically send mixed signals. It’s like a split personality. What do you think?

If you are unsure of your brand identity or wishy-washy in the way you communicate it, you may be suffering from a brand identity crisis! Helping real estate professionals and companies consistently articulate and communicate their true brand identity is what we do at Napa Consultants, International. The process itself is an amazing journey in self-discovery as well!

Savvy Marketing: The Antidote to Blogger's Block!

As a luxury or any other category in the real estate marketing profession, consistently adding fresh, new, original content to your website by blogging is good for your ranking on Google.   

However, your readers should matter more than Google. They are interested in reading your posts, because you have something to say that is original. 

Furthermore, it can help expand your sphere of influence. That is, if you are writing original content that is buzz-worthy, share-worthy, newsworthy and follow-worthy. But, how do the best bloggers avoid getting stale?  How do they prevent Bloggers Block? 

The antidote to Bloggers Block can be summed up in this way: BE CURIOUS   When you are passionate about your subject matter, you naturally become interested and open to new, fresh information that others do not even bother to perceive. You become a magnet for news! 

One of our favorite pastimes is strolling along the beach in Santa Barbara.  We discovered early on that the beach is never the same from day to day.  The tides continuously change. They bring new creatures and sea treasures to our attention every time.  

The people are new. Even their dogs are new.  We have learned about so many breeds of dogs that we did not know existed. 


Recently, we passed by a couple of young girls who were squealing about some discovered treasure that was clinging to the base of a garland of kelp. It was a bunch of sea urchins. Pictured above, they are the spiky purple creatures.  And yes, they are edible. 

We had not seen one up close before that day (except at the seafood market, and those were black). Yet, sea urchins are known as “Santa Barbara gold” because they grow in great abundance right off our coast where they are harvested.  They used to be exported to Japan.   

However, with the growth of Japanese restaurants in the United States, the majority are shipped to New York. One sea urchin diver told us that there are more sushi restaurants in New York City than in Tokyo. 

Had those girls not been so excited we probably would have passed that kelp plant right by.  Instead, we were enriched by their discovery and our research on the subject. 

As a journalist, blogging can introduce you to new worlds and new people who can become potential referral sources for your luxury real estate marketing practice.   

So, if you are suffering from Bloggers Block, just be curious.  That will get you right back into the flow of following your passion.

Branding Moment: Three Choices, Which One Would You Choose?

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Many events happen in Santa Barbara County. Recently as we are driving on errands and appointements, we have been noticing different vendors on the freeways. Pictured above is the first one, Town & Country we noticed.

The next one pictured above is Theoni. They serve Napa, Beverly Hills & "Beyond".


The third one is a local brand called Bright Event Rental.  their trucks come in various rainbow colors.  The event rental part in bright yellow on the door, and this is the best angle of the photo I could get while Ron was driving.  The link goes to the company video. 

All three are candidates for a big event rental.  On first impression, which one would you choose?  I have included their websites, if you care to delve further.   

I will share my impressions, after I read yours and the reasons behind them, in my next post.

Savvy Marketing: Focus Tips the Scales in Your Favor!

One of the major disruptive shifts that occurred in the field of marketing real estate is the extent of market knowledge that consumers now have because of their access to the same information that was previously the exclusive domain of agents. It used to be that  this knowledge base was asymmetrical, meaning weighted in favor of agents. Now it is more symmetrical with consumers on equal footing.  

In fact, sometimes the consumer can know more than the agent if they have been doing extensive research by diligently keeping up with new listings, recent sales and listing status changes. This is a major challenge for luxury and other real estate marketing professionals. But, it also is a tremendous opportunity to establish an extraordinary value proposition that can also set yourself apart from your competition. Superior, focused market knowledge can give you the competitive edge.  In the corporate culture of Google, they have a mantra, “Focus Drives Results”. 

Today, those generalists, those who do not specialize in a particular niche, are the ones who are most vulnerable to this shift.  Trying to keep up with all the changes in all aspects of a given market place is not only a daunting task it is a waste of time.  Only by narrowing your focus can you truly become an expert vs. a generalist.  Focus is the key!  It was tips the scales in your favor. 

It should be made clear that narrowing your niche does not mean reducing your income providing that you pick the right niche.  The right niche  is one that has the potential of meeting your personal financial goals. When you let go of the fear of missing out on income because you are focused amazing things begin to happen. Serendipitous encounters with opportunities become the norm.   This may seem like magic, but it is actually very logical.  

The sharper your focus the more you are able to perceive opportunities that are right under your nose.  These opportunities are not even on the radar of competitors who are dispersed, trying to be all things to all people and wearing themselves out in the process. For example, in the top tier of the marketplace we hear time and again that many sales are conducted when top agents put buyers and sellers together, selling homes that were not listed on the MLS.  

Extensive knowledge of information about properties that COULD be available for sale but are not formally listed, can set you apart as a true expert within your nicheThis is information that consumers, especially from out of the area, could not possibly know which tilts the scales back to asymmetrical in your favor.  

It is also knowledge that your generalist competitors would probably not be aware of, or would not have to time to acquire. In the new information era where consumers and competitors all a have symmetrical knowledge base, focus tips the scale in your favor.  Focus drives results!

Branding Moment: Should You Use Your Name As Your Brand?

Coco Chanel 1928 

Should use your name as your personal brand in all branches of  real estate marketing?  The best test to determine this is to ask yourself, “Am Iready to achieve celebrity status in my marketplace?”  If you are prepared to have your name stand for a particular market niche that you can dominate, we say, “Go for it!”

Think of some of the most recognizable personal brands:  Seal, Sting, Cher, Oprah, Ellen, Coco.  What category of celebrity comes to mind for each? 

Chanel to this day remains as one of the most famous fashion design houses. Some of the original and iconic styles (shoes, purses, suit styles) that Coco created remain part of the line to this day in 2020.  Although there have been numerous knockoffs, they pale next to the original. She was the master of what she termed "expensive simplicity."  She wanted her clothes and her design to stand out with their impeccable standards.

The company founder, Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel, was one of the most highly recognized personal brands in her time. In fact, she was the only person to be named in the field of fashion on the Time [Magazine] Top 100: The Most Important People of the [20th] Century.  

Clearly, Coco enjoyed top-of-mind status in the field of high fashion as a personal brand, a status that extends to the company brand as well, to this day.  Top-of-mind is the goal of any real estate marketing professional  aiming for market leadership and celebrity status. 

Are you ready for celebrity status in your luxury or any other real estate marketplace? If not, you might want to consider a different tact when approaching your personal branding, other than using your name as your brand.  

Branding Moment: How to Stretch Your Marketing Dollars!

There is no doubt that a well created brand does not need to outspend the competition to market themselves, if they understand what branding really is. So many mistake a logo or color as a brand they can identify with. These just represent the harmonious aesthetics, rather than the heart of a brand.

The aim of branding for real estate agents, companies and all other professions is to communicate in an instant, the essence of the brand's personality, the core values of the brand, and why someone should do business with this brand instead of your competition.

Successful communication occurs when the ideal clients recognize that your brand represents someone they can trust. Your clients/target market can easily convey to others why they chose your brand for the job in a few words.

If you get the message right you can spark word-of-mouth advertising or buzz marketing which is the best way to stretch your marketing dollar. The right message triggers an emotional response by quickly establishing your professionalism and your likability

It also compels people to do business with you because it transmits your unique selling proposition, your promise of value to them, in a nutshell. The ultimate message gets people talking about you, and sending you business.

Marketing Savvy: Which Comes First, Mind Share Or Market Share?

Mind share precedes market share. This is one of the most important marketing laws.  What is mind share? It is a hold on the intended market's attention, that is attained with a smart brand strategy followed by a remarkable marketing campaign. In other words, those you market to are aware of your existence, 

It also means continuous smart, creative marketing to stay top of mind in a marketplace.  One cannot slack off, and take a break from marketing, because your target market will quickly forget you.  We often hear agents feeling betrayed by long time clients. They did not stay in touch, and as result they were forgotten.  Here is an example of what can happen, when you neglect to keep your mind share alive and well.

One client told us this story of meeting up with her long time friend/client at the grocery store.  (She had sold 6 houses for her and her relatives), and when she asked her why she listed with another agent, the answer was, "I thought you were dead!"

If you are going to create a campaign to garner mind share, be sure that you know what you are talking about, and that the campaign does show your savvy off.  Otherwise, it will be clear to your target market that you spent a lot of time and money saying nothing at all or showing off your one believed that you could do it!.

Savvy mind share will get you market share, which means in real estate terms sellers and buyers.  The market will be referring you,  because you have planted yourself in their minds. However, you will still have to maintain that mind share to maintain your market share.  

If you need more convincing, think about this.  Tide is the number 1 laundry detergent in America.  Every time we pick any print publication,Tide has an ad in that publication. Many would say, "What a waste of money, they already are #1!"  And we say, they are maintaining their mind share!  

Are you maintaining your mind share in your marketplace?

Marketing Savvy: The Difference between Branding,Marketing & Selling!

As we read various posts, articles, and commentaries, we often see branding, marketing and selling used interchangeably.  Each is distinct and plays a vital role in brand loyalty. We are writing this post in order to shed clarity on these three important words.

Branding is a name or an image of a company.  This is a form of communication that occupies a place in a consumer's or target market's minds.  The brand is also seen as the answer to their target customer's prayer, and the solution for their problem or mindset.  This engenders customer loyalty to the brand. 

Marketing is the brand's presentation to the consumer or the target market. Marketing is matchmaking.  It requires concisely communicating the essence of your distinct promise of value to your ideal target market as you address their most pressing needs.  If your communication is clear your ideal prospects should instantly recognize that you, not your competition, are the right match.   

In this instance, the target market rules, because it represents your ideal client.  In other words, marketing looks at what the consumer needs and wants, and focuses on meeting those needs in their communication.  In other words, if the target market, still has the paper delivered to their homes, the smart thing to do is have ads in that publication. " Marketing done right makes sales irrelevant!" (Peter Drucker).  

Selling is trying to convince those prospects that are not really a match to you that they should work with you, or buy from you anyway.  The need to sell comes from the false notion that there is a scarcity of ideal clients out there. But, the truth is that the time you waste trying to win over non-ideal clients and slogging your way through difficult transactions distracts you from opportunities to meet and work with perfect matches.  

Selling may give you the immediate gratification of momentary wins, but it will burn you out in the long run.   Furthermore, selling will not engender brand loyalty, it may also give you a bad reputation...

Branding Moment: A Fun Brand--We Egg To Differ!

Pictured above is Sir Kensington's brand of mayonnaise that describes what makes it unique and different. We were drawn to the fact that it has no GMO (Genetic Modified Organism). The rest of the ingredients were above and beyond reproach for our standards and taste.

And yes, it tastes really good, it reminded of the mayonnaise my mother used to make by hand--no mixer needed.  I really liked their video which summed their mission statement and what they stand for and how they are different from other brands.

How do you Egg  Beg to Differ?

Branding Moment: Mixed Messaging!

The clearer your marketing message is, the easier it is for your intended customer to respond and give you call.  When the message is baffling, very few will take the time to figure your message out, unless they are related to you.

As we were heading down to Salt Lake City from Park City, (pictured above) is a van that was in front of us.  Both Ron and I were were trying to understand the message.  What was  the relationship between the Serenity Spa by Westgate, and the Edge Steakhouse?  Why were they represented on the same truck?

And like many who are baffled by mixed messages, we chose to ignore after we took a picture for a branding moment post, passed the truck, and turned our attention elsewhere!  

Cultivating A Luxury Mindset: Do You Have An Open Mind?

This video was brought to our attention by our friend at Apple on New Year's Day.  Before they open the store each morning,, they have a meeting of all their employees of the day to discuss how to serve their customers better.  They viewed this video, which was their inspiration of the day. Our friend loved the video and was inspired by it.

This is the attitude to cultivate. An open mind will bring you more business and great connections! Take a moment to view this two minute video, and as I write this post it has been viewed over 4 million times.

In other words, see every individual you meet in a new unit of time. mindfully., Mindfully means without the baggage of pre-conceived notions and prejudices. Are you willing to act like human and not like a robot with canned answers ? Are you willing to at least try? Whether you are selling/listing a double wide or a $100 million mansion, every seller/buyer deserves to be treated with a luxury mindset!

What do you think?

Brilliant Branding Moment: A Perfect Christmas Interpretation in Beverly Hills!

As is our habit, we always take a look at some of our favorite brands window dressing,  when we are in Beverly Hills in the wee hours of the morning.  We were both  drawn to this creative branded tree!  What a clever way to keep Christmas secular and commercial at the same time!

Louis Vuitton was found in 1854 in Paris by its namesake.  It's LV monogram appears on  most of its products ranging from suitcases, leather goods, jewelry, clothing, shoes, etc.  Louis Vuitton is one of the leading fashion international fashion houses.   This monogram is a sign of prestige and luxury for many consumers world wide, who wear those initials with great pride.  

Not So Wordless Wednesday: A Most Unusual Foyer

Here is our route to the parking area of the Constant Winery Home via this most unusual foyer.

Ron is opening the door…

As we walk through, there are wine barrels stacked on both sides of the foyer which is underground. This maintains the right temperature.

And it is dimly lit with this custom made Venetian chandelier! We hope you enjoyed this tour as much as we did...It was a first foyer of this kind for us!

Branding Moment: Is This Brand too Bland Or Just Right?

We have always been of the opinion that one size fits one size. Each one of us is one size, Our method is to custom fit a brand to its function, to its market, and the individual, team or company. At that point, it resonates with its intended marketplace and communicates the message clearly. That is the criteria!

Our first impression in seeing the back of the truck (pictured above) was, what is being presented and who is Gavin Roy? Do we care to find out? If we were not in the branding business, we would not have noticed the truck or investigated it further.

It took a bit of maneuvering on the freeway, however, we managed to get a side shot that revealed the six part business as pictured above. The business seems to be focused on parties or large events. Where is the fun? Where is the phone number? 

 We applaud the script font for the initials. That offers a  hint of pizazz/fun.  

 What is your opinion is this brand bland or just right?  

Branding Moment: A Touch of Drama Is Memorable!

We enjoyed the creativity of this print ad in one of the current issues of Architectural Digest promoting their artist editions of sinks by Kohler.  And we appreciated the dramatic setting, the beauty of the model-and her costume.  A touch of a dramatic flair done right makes this ad memorable!

The sink is made of white porcelain and covered with a special glazing method which was inspired by master potters.  We have included a link, so that you can see it up close on the Kohler site.

We are firm believers that great real estate home photos should have a dramatic flair to attract potential buyers.  For instance, one of our clients here in Santa Barbara, started the photos of the home on his site of his recent listing with a picture of the outdoor patio— the fire pit lit, overlooking the ocean at sunset.  

That was the very picture the buyers fell in love with, and subsequently purchased the home!  They saw themselves sitting there with a glass of wine! That memorable touch of drama turned into the sale of this home!

Branding Moment: The Unique Value Proposition Hooked Us In!

We rarely follow guidebooks when choosing a restaurant when we travel.  Most of the time, we will ask a local, or our hotel concierge, or we more often than not, we let our intuition or branding nose guide us.

After several hours of walking in Paris, it was lunch time.  We walked into Lavinia, a wine store just to explore.  As we looked up, we noticed they had a restaurant, on the second floor. (pictured above) When we got up there, the host told us they had great food, and showed us the menu which we liked. 

As I (A) looked up I saw this sign on a blackboard pictured above.  Translation: We serve all our wines at the store price.  In other words, unlike other restaurants, there is no markup on their retail price. And there it was their unique value proposition which hooked us in.  And you can also see that same statement on their red wall in the restaurant.

Here is the unique value proposition defined:
Also known as a uniqueselling proposition(USP), your UVPis a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer, how you solve your customer's needs and what distinguishes you from the competition.

Of all the restaurants we have eaten in globally, nationally and locally, this was a first. Some had a wine store as part of their premises and they had the usual mark-up. 

By the way, our lunch was delicious as promised as were the wines our waiter suggested. We were so glad we arrived early, because within 10 minutes of us sitting down, the place was full with the local business people.  Next time we are in Paris, we look forward to having another meal there. 

Will your unique value proposition hook your market in to do business with you?

Branding Moments: The Importance of Heritage vs High Tech Auto Pilot!

In branding a company or an individual in luxury real estate or in any other real estate field, the concept of heritage is an asset and a  great differentiator. Brand heritage (something handed from the past: experience or a way of doing business). There is plenty of merit is high touch (incorporating the old fashioned) versus high tech (auto pilot) real estate.  

This can inspire confidence when a consumer is making a choice of which agency or agent to pick when buying or selling a home.  It can also imply great service or what is often referred to as high human touch or white glove service. Here is an example of a trend we have noticed in wine-making that is applicable in real estate.

In the world of wine production, which is even more competitive that the world of real estate, we are noticing heritage as a differentiator. Pictured above in the window of a wine store in Paris is the lePuywine brand.  They have been in existence since 1610.  Their slogan "authenticity reflected in their terroir, (terroir is the composition of the soil that gives the wine its unique flavor)."  

The authenticity is the illustration of the horse and the plow, which means that their wines are produced bio dynamically. They are still using horses to plow the soil around the vines, because horses are lighter than tractors and do not damage the vine roots.  They also use natural fertilizers, as they did in the old days of wine making, which contributes to the health of the vineyard.

More wine producers are reverting to bio-dynamics.  "In a blind tasting of 10 pairs of bio-dynamic and conventionally made wines, conducted by Fortune Magazine and judged by seven wine experts including a Master of Wine and head sommeliers (wine stewards), nine of the bio-dynamic wines were judged superior to their conventional counterpart. The bio-dynamic wines "were found to have better expressions of terroir, the way in which a wine can represent its specific place of origin in its aroma, flavor, and texture."(Wikipedia)

We have often preached the importance of high touch in all real estate whether it is luxury or industrial real estate.  Not a day goes by when a new technology is offered to bypass the human touch, essentially being on auto pilot as the end all be all.  The clients and companies we work with are known  and praised for their impeccable customer service which software will never replace.  

Branding Moments: Are Kangaroos Cuter Than Boars?

One of the rules of brand strategy in any business especially real estate is to speak the language of your  target market.  In order to that, research comes into play.  Research takes time, and discussion in order to decide on an approach.  This leads to a branding strategy which includes a graphic, a name, a reason to exist, and be of value in the marketplace.

We spotted this brand of wine at Trader Joe's recently.  The etching of the boar on the label is beautiful done.  This is a red blend from the Central Coast called Raucous Red Blend.  The winery is called RunRiotWine.  Their slogan is "no rules when wine rules".  Their claim to fame is that unlike other wineries, they don't chase the boars way who roam in their vineyard.  It was initially priced between $22 to $18.  

Our knowledgeable wine friend told us, this wine is very, jammy, fruit forward, not for you.  The reviews were mostly favorable: not a very high rating and not a very low rating.  It is evident they were going for that Kangaroo wine Label (Yellow Tail) market.  This market is for those who just want a good inexpensive wine worrying about the finer points of wine making.  

Judging by the "new" price, it is evidently the brand did not attract their target market...Perhaps Kangaroos are cuter than boars to those folks. What do you think?

Luxury Real Estate Marketing Essentials: How Colors Matter in Branding!

Choosing the right colors for/and with our clients in our real estate brand strategy and marketing practice is of paramount importance. We have a five page exercise/questionnaire that our clients fill out in order to find and determine the colors they are drawn to.  The colors have to also be harmonious with the lifestyle of the community/their market place.

There are infinite hues for each of the basic rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  The combination of colors is endless, and often surprising. Colors can convey a mood or a feeling.  This is one of the reasons we focus on Nature's combination as pictured above with the Rex begonias.  Nature's colors resonate with all of us, because they are natural.  There is no artifice in nature!

For instance, many think that black and gold is the end all be all for a luxury brand.  Black also connotes formality.  If our individual client's market is a resort community, it sends the wrong message. People have second homes in resort communities, they are there to relax and enjoy the lifestyle of golf, water sports, etc...Black is the color of formality!

However, black can work for a real estate company brand in that same community with a pop of color, because a company wants to convey solidity, heritage and tradition.  Their market is not the location or the lifestyle.  Their market focus is the agents who  work, or may want to work with that firm.  

Just because one loves a color does not mean it has be the dominant color for their brand.  We worked with an agent whose favorite colors were red, brown and green.  This was a mountain community.  We used a pleasing combination of browns and greens to represent the mountains.  We also added a subtle pixel of the right red hue, similar to the dark red that outlines the leaf pictured above.

Take time to look at Nature's output.  There are so many outstanding examples to be inspired by.  The possibilites are endless!

Luxury Real Estate Marketing Essentials: Defining Your Brand of Integrity!

In our luxury real estate branding strategy and marketing practice, we work with real estate companies and individuals to identify their brand.  In order to create a brand, we work with our clients to define the core values of the company or of the individual real estate marketing professional.  This is what defines the brand or as we refer to it, the "integrity of the brand."  

We also discourage the use of the word “Integrity” as an attribute of the company or the individual. The true meaning of integrity is the state of being whole and undivided.   Unless one describes the whole of what integrity means to that real estate company or that individual broker/agent, the word is useless. 

Integrity for a company or an individual in business is a body of values.  Companies and individuals who have integrity adhere to principles (also known as core values) that define them as well as characterize their brand of doing business. It also means that the company/or the individual work to stay true to their principles.  

A company or an individual is better off listing their core values instead of saying: “We or I have integrity!”.  Stating one’s core values is a demonstration of integrity.  It states exactly what can be expected of the company or the individual and honesty and ethics should be a given.

Here are two examples of a few of Whole Foods and Zappo’s core values.  Whole Foods has their values spelled out on the wall of their stores in plain view of their shoppers.

  •      "We sell the highest-quality natural and organic products available" (Whole Foods core value)

  •        "We satisfy, delight, and nourish our customers"

  •        "We support team member excellence and happiness"

  •        "We create wealth through profits and growth 

Here are Zappo's 10 Core Values, which are displayed on their web site:

  •        Deliver WOW Through Service.

  •        Embrace and Drive Change.

  •        Create Fun and A Little Weirdness.

  •        Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded.

  •        Pursue Growth and Learning.

  •        Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication.

  •        Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit.

  •        Do More With Less.

Our experience with both companies is that they live up to their core values.  Neither one mentions honesty, ethics or integrity. 

Companies and individuals who live up to their core values are easy to refer. We know exactly what to expect each time we do business with them.

Have you defined your brand of Integrity?