Photo by Alexa Sklar,

What comes to your mind when you think about team spirit?  High morale?  Esprit de corps?  If you have ever been on a winning team, whether it was in sports, in business or any co-created project  you know how it feels to maintain your belief in a goal, in yourself and in others. Sustaining your morale, whether personally or as a member of a team is by far one of the most important skills in the inner game of market leadership.  As a luxury real estate marketing professional, it is essential. 

Even if you are a “solopreneur” vs. a team in your luxury real estate practice, you still may need to work with a transaction coordinator, an escrow officer and title reps.  Your ability to engender esprit de corps project by project, not only helps make transactions go smoother, but also more fun.

We all love to watch sports because we get inspired by individual achievement. But, we also  are moved by those teams who can pull together tenaciously and consistently in pursuit of a common goal.  

Team spirit is definitely one of life’s true joys to experience first hand and also to observe in others.  Whether or not you were a Cardinal or Ranger fan, game six of the World Series was one of the most amazing demonstrations of consistently maintaining morale in recent baseball history.  You just had to admire each team for not giving up.  This was especially true of the Cardinals who were one strike away from losing it all and came back to ultimately win the title. 

To sustain high morale on your team you need to keep your own spirits up. This does take practice to be consistent. But, when you reach those critical moments when things do not appear to be going your way, that is when the practice truly pays off.


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