As a Luxury Real Estate Marketing professional, here is onene way to approach professional networking. Look at it as a great big party or mixer, where you have the opportunity to network with everyone there. At a party if you don’t make the effort to meet people or reach out, you might as well be a wallflower and blend in to the wallpaper. The Internet makes it easy because you don’t have to dress for the party, and geographic distances are irrelevant. However, the Internet cannot create relationships. You have to do that, either by sending them an email or picking up the phone.
Social networks are not about how many people you have in your network. It is how many you can actually engage in conversation in a meaningful way. How many people in your network actually want to know what you are doing in between emails and phone calls? That is another means of measuring the effectiveness of your network.
Marketing is about relationships. Relationships create opportunities to expand your sphere of influence and friendships. Relationships take time, and it is time well spent. The old adage “it’s who you know” still applies in the age of technology and web-based social networks.
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