Primary Objective:

Establish USA Protective Care by Renco as the market leading brand in protective gloves. Achieve top of mind status in each of our primary verticals: Medical, Law Enforcement, Hospitality, Semiconductor Labs and, Automotive.


Ron Seigel, Sean Entin & Sam W. Morris

Q: What does a spinal cord injury survivor, a stroke survivor and a caregiver overwhelm survivor have in common?
A: An indomitable spirit to triumph over adversity and go beyond limits. As a high-powered leadership coaching team, focused on the fine art of strategic business development, we have a passion for helping our clients achieve top-of-mind status as market leaders in the health and wellness industry. We coach companies, communities and individuals to prepare for and navigate sudden disruption with unstoppable optimism.


Assume a leadership role to achieve an alignment of purpose among stakeholders who seek to solve three major health crises: 1) Fentanyl Protection across multiple verticals, 2) Caregiver Overwhelm and, 3) Anticipated 29% increase in strokes for Hispanic Men in the next decade.

Leverage public relations vs. advertising to achieve top-of-mind status for Renco.

QR Code Links to:

Philanthropic Strategy:
Donating to Orgs and 1st Responders

Hospital Access Strategy:
Partnering with Insurance Companies

Community P.R. Strategy (Public Service Announcements):
Partnering with HyperLocal Rotary Club Chapters
To Scale the Delivery of the Message