Most major ski resorts can claim natural beauty as one of its greatest assets. But, only Jackson Hole, Wyoming is nestled between two of the most spectacular national parks in the United States: Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park.  Tourism helps to enrich the local community, year-round. But, the tax benefits of owning property here makes Jackson Hole one of the most compelling luxury real estate markets in the USA.


Bloomberg Wealth Manager Magazine rates Wyoming as America’s Wealth-Friendliest state year after year. Julie  & Matt Faupel explain that, “ Teton County is one of the wealthiest counties in the United States.  And, the people here are among the most generous when it comes to Philanthropy”.

“Jackson Hole Mountain Resort has earned a reputation as Mecca for extreme skiers, because of its steps and chutes” says Scott Singleton, a ski instructior who later became a real estate professional.

But, recently there has been a considerable investment in making the resort family-friendly by adding more intermediate runs and faster lifts that serve beginners and intermediate skiers. 

According to Mercedes Huff , “In Jackson Hole only 3% of the land is privately owned; the balance is federally owned or state managed. Several affluent buyers purchase large ranches and they donate major portions of land to conservation.  This not only creates more privacy, but also increases property value because it creates a greater scarcity of available privately owned property”.

According to Ken Gangwer, “The lifestyle benefits of living in Jackson Hole, which is virtually crime-free, stretch through all four seasons.  We not only have some of the best skiing in the United States, but we also have the heritage of being a ranching community. There is no pretentiousness here”.

Living in the Wild West or working on a dude ranch in the summer is a fantasy for many “city slickers” young and old who vacation in Wyoming.  David Viehman says, “With the Jackson Hole airport just minutes from town and accessible from many major cities, this dream can readily become a reality.  Many of the dude ranches have summer programs for kids that include meals, fly fishing, mountain biking, kayaking, and horseback riding.  Adults can become ranchers for a week and actually drive cattle for summer grazing”.

Summertime offers many recreational opportunities in Jackson Hole. In addition to being a real estate broker, John Resor is also the president and developer of the family owned Shooting Star residential golf community that is built on his family’s ranch.  “We knew that it was critical to maintain the integrity and the purity of this land and its magnificent vistas. We brought in Tom Fazio to design the course which proudly respects the environment”.

Chad and Dianne Budge  rave about the lively summer arts scene in Jackson Hole. “The Center for the Arts was mostly privately funded.  The New York Ballet comes to Jackson Hole as an exclusive summer venue.  The Grand Teton Music Festival is outstanding and so are the local art galleries”.

But, with Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks as your backyard, there is endless opportunity in Jackson Hole for outdoor adventure. According to Tom Evans, “Fishing and pack trips into the backcountry remind me of why I live here. I call it my paid vacation. No telephones, and away from the office where grizzly bears are abundant and the occasional wolf pack or mountain lion will get your heart rate up”.

Ted Dawson says, “There is something about the majesty of the Grand Teton Mountains that is spiritual.  It just resonates with your soul like no other place on earth.  Although, I spent considerable time here, I ventured off to Australia to build an import company.  But, when my wife and I were ready to have kids we knew we wanted to raise them in Jackson Hole.  Sometimes, after I take off from work, our family gets together for a river raft ride, just to have fun together and commune with nature. To me, that is the true richness of living in Jackson Hole”.

Photos Courtesy of the Agents & Brokers Interviewed