It is said that ostriches and some people bury their heads in the sand when they don’t want to hear bad news. The fact is that most people should be like ostriches as they are not hiding themselves in avoidance. They are rearranging their eggs. So, as the bad news arrives, this is an opportunity to become a sophisticated investor in your brand which is one of your nest eggs. This applies to luxury real estate marketing professionals in particular.
For most the knee jerk response to bad news it to cut back on marketing their brand. By not reacting to the economy you stand to take over the territory that the rest are abandoning. Also, advertising rates drop as demand slows, and you are getting more for your dollars. Sophisticated marketers understand this. For instance, in the down market of the 90’s Nike realized a significant increase in profits from a modest increase in marketing. Think of the numerous times you see the famous swoosh logo. It seems every sports team, both amateur and professional, has it somewhere on their clothing.
Invest in your brand during these times. Be the stand out in your marketplace. Invest in your future so that when the good news returns you are way ahead of everyone. They will be scrambling to catch up to you.