Recent technological advances have forever changed the landscape of luxury real estate marketing. Many companies and vendors have joined the fray. They understand the web’s power in attracting bona fide leads. Daily, there are new players enticing agents to advertise on their sites, use search engine optimization, and distribute listings to every imaginable corner of the globe.
Another set of new players are super web-savvy agents who understand internet marketing from previous job experience. Some are former executives from the leading internet companies such as Yahoo, MSN and others who have set up their web sites with the latest and greatest technology. Furthermore, they are using recognizable initials after their names identifying their level of education beyond real estate. M.B.As and C.P.A.s are entering the field of luxury real estate because of the income potential and also the freedom that comes with being an independent contractor. As a result they are challenging the credibility of the long established expert luxury real estate agents.
If you are one of these established agents your sure bet is to make the internet your best friend. Although, it seems like another time vampire, it is well worth it. Here is a starting point:
1) Narrow your focus. Clearly identify your niche in your luxury market arena. Know your niche better than anyone else in the field. Have your website reflect your superior expertise in this niche
2) Meet all of the movers and shakers in your niche. Become the Google of your marketplace, the first to come to mind, a celebrity agent, the big fish in this pond.
3) Be more knowledgeable about your niche than any of your competitors.
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