The Privacy issue continues to be a hot topic and one that has brought the warring factions of the Congress together.  Just yesterday, web firms have agreed to install a "Do Not Track button",and today's headline in the Wall Street Journal is "Tech Giants agree to Deal on Privacy Policies for Apps."

Some states such as California require that websites have a privacy policy. Luxury real estate buyers are usually privacy minded and guarded, when it comes to divulging personal information.  We have included a privacy policy in our websites and the websites whose designs we oversee.  They are written in plain English and not Legalese and are easy to understand.  We find that our web visitors do read that page.

As a luxury real estate marketing professional having a Privacy Policy engenders trust between you and your website visitors.  If you don't have one, stay ahead of the curve and add it to your website.  If you do, make sure you don't need to hire an attorney to understand it.


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